The volume of the article should not exceed 40 thousand characters, including spaces, and can not be less than 5 pages. The article is typed in a Microsoft Word text editor in * .rtf format with Times New Roman font, size 14 points, in one and a half interval. The indent of the red line: in the text - 10 mm, in the text notes (endnotes) indents and ledges of the lines are not set. The exact number of characters can be determined via the Microsoft Word text editor menu (Tools - Statistics - Take into account all footnotes).
Document parameters: top and bottom field - 20 mm, right - 15 mm, left - 30 mm.
At the beginning of the article are placed: the initials and surname of the author (authors), the title of the article, an abstract in Russian with a volume of at least 700 characters or 10 lines, below a separate line - keywords. The key words are given in the nominative in the number of up to ten words. The initials and surname of the author (authors) are duplicated by transliteration. The title of the article, abstract, key words should be translated into English.
At the end of the article, before the data on the author, there should be an inscription "The article is published for the first time", the date and the author's signature are put by the author. When sending an article by e-mail, the author's signature is scanned in black and white, saved in * .tif or * .jpg format and inserted into the document below the footnotes. (Or the last page of the article with the signature is scanned and sent by e-mail as a separate file).
Required for completion: At the end of the article (in one file) the information about the author (authors) is placed in Russian - full name, surname, surname, then academic degree, academic title, position, department, university (or organization in which the author works ); the work address of the institution or organization (full - including the name of the city and country - address information along with the postal code, indicate the correct full name of the organization, preferably - its officially accepted English version), email address and contact numbers. These data about the author should be translated into English.
Bibliographic references
The cited literature is given not in the form of footnotes, but in the general list at the end of the article, with the reference in the text of the article referring to the ordinal superscript (Format - Font - Superscript) (for example, 1). A comma, a semicolon, a colon and a period are placed after the footnote sign to show that the footnote refers to a word or group of words, for example: according to the claim of the owner. An interrogative, exclamation point, dots and quotes are placed in front of a footnote to show that the footnote refers to the whole sentence, for example: ... all these provisions are enshrined in the Federal Law "On Veterans" 1.
When preparing a manuscript, the author is recommended to use GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation "(The full text of GOST R is available on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology).
In case of indirect citation of sources and literature at the beginning of the corresponding note, "See:" is indicated.
Below are examples of link design:
a) on the monograph:
1 Belova MS, Kinsburskaya VA, Yalbulganova AA Tax control and liability: analysis of legislation, administrative and judicial practice / Ed. A. A. Yalbulganova .- M.: Knowledge, 2008.- P. 12.
b) on articles from collections:
1 Klishina MA New in the order of drafting the budget // Financial Law of Russia: Actual Problems / Ed. A. A. Yalbulganova .- M., 2007.- P. 101.
c) articles from magazines and continuing editions:
1 Glushko EK The administrative-legal nature of state corporations // Reforms and law .- 2008.- No. 3.- P. 38-43.
d) Abstracts of dissertations:
1 Strizhova OA Legal regulation of customs value: the author's abstract. dis. ... cand. jurid. Sci., Moscow, 2008.-p. 7.
e) Internet pages:
Counteraction to Corruption Offenses // Legal Russia: Federal Legal Portal. URL: (reference date: 08.01.2009).
The article is sent to the editorial office of the magazine qualitatively by e-mail with one file (the name of the file is the surname of the author). Subject of the e-mail: Bulletin of the Urals Federal District. Security in the information sphere.
The article to be sent should be subtracted by the author; eliminated all grammatical, punctuation, syntactic errors, inaccuracies; verified all legal and scientific terms. For mistakes and inaccuracies of a scientific and factual nature, the author (s) of the article bear responsibility.
Returned materials are not subject to return.
for the publication should be send to
to the “Law Issues” journal editorial board or by post - Russian
Federation, 454091, Chelyabinsk, Vasenko St., 63, office 401