1. In the
editor sent one carefully read through and signed by the author
(co-authors) of the instance, information about the author / s, summary
in Russian and English, key words in Russian and English, and an
electronic version of all documents on floppy disk or by e-mail urvest @
2. Article
taken into consideration only on condition that it complies with the
originals to the author's articles (materials) "Bulletin UFD. Security
in the information sphere ", posted on the website of the journal in the" Requirements "in the magazine's current issue.
3. Article
logged executive secretary in the register of articles indicating the
date, name, name author / s, places of work of the author / s. Article
is assigned a unique registration number. This information as entered in
the database. Executive secretary within 7 days of receipt inform the
authors of the article.
received by the editorial office, pass through the institution of peer
Forms review
• internal
(reviewed manuscripts to become a member of the Editorial Board);
• external
(towards reviewing manuscripts of articles leading professionals in the
4. The
Executive Secretary of the article determines that the magazine's
profile, the requirements for registration and, in the absence of a
review, sends it for review to two experts, a doctor or a PhD, having
the closest to the topic scientific specialization. The reviewer should
be a recognized expert on the subject, which has for the last three
years of the publication of peer-reviewed articles on the subject.
The reviewer
may be a member of the editorial board or an external reviewer.
5. The
reviewer should consider aiming for an article in 2 weeks of receipt and
send it to the editor (by e-mail, mail) a reasoned refusal to review or
In a review
of the following issues should be highlighted:
• whether
the content of the article stated in the subject title;
• how the
article meets the modern achievements of science and theoretical
• Whether
the article is available to readers in which it is designed, in terms of
language, style, material location, etc .;
• whether
publication of the article is suitable in view of the previously
released on the subject of literature;
• what
exactly are the positive aspects, as well as articles disadvantages
which corrections and additions need to be made by the author;
• conclusion
about the possibility of publication of this manuscript in the journal
"recommended," "recommended that in view of correcting the shortcomings
noted by the reviewer" or "not recommended" for publication in the
journal "Bulletin of the Ural Federal District. Security in the
information sphere. "
shall be certified in the manner prescribed in the institution where he
works reviewer.
6. After
receiving the reviews decision about the publication or the refusal to
publish articles.
If the
article can be published after the finalization / taking into account
comments - provides recommendations for revision / removal of comments
if the article is not accepted for publication - the reasons for such a
directed by the author to the editor after the elimination of the
comments addressed in general terms. The logbook is a mark of the date
of receipt of a new version of the article.
7. In the
case of deviations from the publication of the article revision sends a
reasoned refusal to the author.
Article not
recommended for publication by the reviewer to re-examination is not
accepted. The text of the negative reviews sent to the author by e-mail,
fax or regular mail.
8. A copy of
the positive reviews sent to the author. The presence of positive
reviews is not a sufficient basis for the publication of the article.
The final decision on whether the publication is received editor in
deciding on the admission of an article for publication executive
secretary shall inform the author and publication dates indicated.
9. Originals
reviews are stored in the magazine "Herald of the Ural Federal District.
Security information area "within 5 years.
10. The
editorial board of "Journal of the Urals Federal District. Security in
the field of information "send copies of reviews to the Ministry of
Education and Science of the Russian Federation for admission to the
editors of the corresponding request.