The editors office, editorial board and ООО "South Ural Legal
Newsletter" as the publisher of the "UrFR
Newsletter. Information Security" support the policy
directed at the observance of the publishing ethics principles and admit that tracking of the observance of publishing ethics is one of
the main components of review and publishing process.
Responsibilities of Chief Editor
Decision on publishing an article
Chief Editor of the "UrFR
Newsletter. Information Security" journal is responsible for choosing
the submitted articles for further publication.
This decision should always be taken considering the reliability of work
and its importance for researchers and readers. Chief Editor can rely on
recommended practice developed by the editorial board of the journal and
on legal requirements, including defamation prevention, copyright
violation and plagiarism. Moreover, Chief Editor can consult with the
members of the editorial board, the reviewers, or the representatives of
the research team.
Newsletter. Information Security" Chief Editor evaluates the articles by intellectual
content regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic
background, citizenship and/or political opinion of the author.
Chief Editor of the "UrFR
Newsletter. Information Security" and the members of the editorial
board should not disclose the information about the submitted article to
anybody except the author, reviewers, prospective reviewers, consultants
of the editorial board and the publisher.
Disclosure of information and conflict of interest
The content of the submitted article may not be used in any own
publication of the chief editor and the members of the editorial board
without the written permission of the author. Any confidential
information or ideas received during the review should be kept secret
and may not be used to gain any benefit.
Chief Editor should withdraw from the review if any conflict of interest
occurs as a result of competition, collaboration or other relations with
any of the authors, companies or organizations related to the article.
Chief Editor should ask all authors to provide the information about any
conflicts of interest and publish the corrections if a conflict of
interest is revealed after the publication. If necessary, other
appropriate actions can be taken, such as publishing a disclaimer or
expression of concern.
Analysis of ethical complaints
Chief Editor of the "UrFR
Newsletter. Information Security" journal should respond reasonably
quickly to the ethical complaints with regard to the submitted
manuscript or the published article, contacting the editors office,
publisher or the research team.
Responsibilities of reviewers
Participation in decision-making process at the editors office
Review process helps the chief editor take the decision on publishing
the article and also helps the author to improve the article through the
communication of editors office with the author.
Every chosen reviewer should notify the editor and withdraw from the
review if he/she feels incompetent to review the manuscript or realizes
that timely review would be impossible.
Each and every manuscript received for review should be treated as a
confidential document. It should not be shown to or discussed with any
persons except for the authorized by the editor.
Standards of neutrality
The reviews should be written neutrally. Personal accusations are
unacceptable. The reviewer should express his/her opinion clearly and on
a reasonable basis.
Acknowledgement of sources
If the authors have not provided the reference to any of the published
works, the reviewer should mention it.
Any statement claiming that any data, conclusions or arguments have
already been published in scientific press, should be provided with the
reference. The reviewer should also draw the attention of the chief
editor if the reviewed manuscript largely resembles or partially matches
any other manuscript that is known by the reviewer.
Disclosure of information and conflict of interest
Unpublished information that is disclosed in the reviewed article may
not be used in any own publication of the reviewer without the written
permission of the author. Any confidential information or ideas received
during the review should be kept secret and may not be used to gain any
Chief Editor should withdraw from the review if any conflict of interest
occurs as a result of competition, collaboration or other relations with
any of the authors, companies or organizations related to the article.
Author responsibility
Originality and plagiarism
The authors of the article should guarantee full originality of the
article. If the authors have used the work and/or the words of other
authors, it should be highlighted in the text or marked with a
Plagiarism has many types starting from passing the work of another
author for your own to copying or paraphrasing the substantial parts of
other works (without providing a reference to the source) and to
claiming your right for the results of another research performed by a
third party. All types of plagiarism are unethical and unacceptable.
Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal at a time is
unethical and unacceptable.
The articles already published in other journals should not be
You should properly recognize the works of other researchers. The
authors should provide the references to the publications that have had
impact on the contents of the article.
Authorship of an article
The authorship should be limited to the persons who have substantially
contributed to the concept, planning, executing or interpreting the
research under consideration.
Everyone who made a significant contribution should be mentioned as
co-authors. If a person contributed to any substantial part of the
project, you should express appreciation to him/her or mention him/her
as a co-author.
Disclosure of information and conflict of interest
All authors should disclose all financial or other substantial conflict
of interest that can affect the evaluation of the manuscript. All
financial sources of the project should be disclosed.
Errors in published articles
If the author discovers a serious error or inaccuracy in the published
article, the author should immediately contact the chief editor and
collaborate with the chief editor to publish a disclaimer or a
correction. If the chief editor receives the information on a serious
error in a published article from a third party, the author should
timely publish a disclaimer or correction, or provide the proof of
correctness for the published article.
Revealing the plagiarism
The editors office, editorial board and ООО "South Ural Legal
Newsletter" as the publisher of the "UrFR
Newsletter. Information Security" undertake an
obligation to help the scientific community to observe and practice
publishing ethics, especially in cases of possible double submission or