Realization of the information society's need to ensure reliable protection of information, information resources and information technologies is possible only through the integrated use of all mechanisms and means of protection. In this regard, the main purpose of the magazine is to provide comprehensive coverage of the main mechanisms for ensuring information security.
The editorial board of the magazine believes that experts in the field of information security should be able to familiarize themselves with key issues of the industry within the framework of one magazine. Therefore, the publication uses a systematic approach to content, which is structured by sections: legal protection of information, technical protection of information, software and hardware information protection, organizational and others. The journal highlights the problems of protecting such strategic types of limited access information as state secrets, official secrets, insider information.
TIt is also open for scientific discussions, publication of works by young researchers. In these articles we hope to see the ideas of original means and ways of protecting information. International experience shows that it is in such publications that at times there appear advanced solutions to problems that have a level of breakthrough technologies and world discoveries.